LEADERSHIP TRAINING CAMP (LTC)On the 15th of July, the prefectorial board of ACS had organised a leadership training camp in school. It was acually a 3 days 2 nights camp in school. All the probationers had to attend the camp including lower six students. All of us were splited into 9 groups. I'm in group 5. The members of my group are Kok How(group leader), Nazirah(Assistant Group Leader), Bawani Devi, Siew Leng, Kiat Soon, Anandha, Arunkumaran and me myself. Our advisor is Choong Yang May. 2 weeks before the camp, the groups were formed and we had to prepare a lot of things such as flag design, group name, name tags, group cheers, sketch........
The theme of the camp is dinosaurs so we come out with a name called Squatin' Anchiceratops.. (An..key Serra..Tops)Hehe... The name is quite weird, right?.....
Facts about Anchiceratops :
http://yahooligans.yahoo.com/content/science/dinosaurs/dino_card/77.htmlI don't really know why we were called Squatin'.....but according to the group leader, we were squating because we were in a position of getting ready to ambush......(doesn't make sense to me)....Even the Exco's said that our group name sounded like we were gettin' ready to berak....hehe....
On the other hand, we didn't really prepared our group cheers properly....we only had 3 group cheers. One of them goes like this:
Chicken in the jungle (group leader shout)
Kok kok kai
Kok Kok kai (all members shout)
Ayam dalam hutan (group leader shout)
Kok kok kai
Kok kok kai (all members shout)
This is just a very funny cheer......but one of the exco asked, "What is chicken gotta do with dinosaurs?".
All of us gathered in the assembly ground at 3pm for registration and a short briefing....
After that, we gotta draw our flag and we only been given 30 minutes.....I can tell u that we really messed up simply because we didn't had enough time. Then, we had to introduce our group and explain about the flag. (Our explanation: "This is an abstract art!!!")
Then we had a game. It was called "Treat or Trick". We had to answer 3 difficult questions while one member from each of groups becomes the victim.... If we are unable to answer the questions, the victims will be tricked!! The exco's will use eggs and flour to tricked them.... Our group's victim is Siew Leng and she got tricked twice because we were unable to answer 2 questions.(Kesian....)
Nothing much happens on that day until.......2am in the morning.
the exco's called us up while everyone is still sleepy. The reason : Treasure Hunt/Night Trekking...... Firstly, we went to the Teerath Ram Hall and listened to the 'history' of ACS and the 'experience' of the exco's. I didn't pay attention because I'm kind of sleepy.. Then, we play the game....
I did feel a little scared but I didn't not freak out...All the girls were so afraid they started holding hands...hehe.. During the treasure hunt, I saw 'actors' (exco's) trying their best to pretend like ghosts and freaked out the girls....(They even had costumes) I heard a lot of screams from the exco's and the girls!!!!! Thoughout the game, the exco's were the best because of their 'acting' which was so 'real'. The game ended at 4am.
Pictures :
http://pooiting.multiply.com/photos/album/20To be continued..............................