Saturday, April 23, 2005


Some of my friends called me blur... In fact, most of them called me blur...
Am I really that blur...? Maybe they called me blur because sometimes I don't realised what is happening around me. For example, some of my friends did something stupid or funny and the whole class started laughing. I don't know why they were laughing..... so I asked my friends what happened. Maybe that's the reason. How do I suppose to know what happened when they didn't even tell me what happened? You know what I mean? I'm can't read their mind!!! By the way, I don't care what 'names' they use to called me. It's all crap. I'm not that bad.............................
I'm good............I'm good......................

1 comment:

Ennie said...

Boy, that runs in the family. I was called blur in school. Like you, sometimes I didn't catch what my class was laughing about. Your 'er jie' was also called blur by her friends. So, the next time someone call you blur, blame it on the genes.